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September 2021

Dear Winston Families, Colleagues and Friends,
Many have asked: How does the Winston Innovation Lab support our children? The Innovation Lab is an integral part of every Winston Prep campus. The Winston Innovation Lab (WIL) is dedicated to developing faculty members' knowledge of learning, learning disorders, and evidence-based methods of remediation. Having a faculty of expert learning specialists who deeply understand our students is an integral component of how we successfully fulfill the Winston Prep mission.
The role of the Winston Innovation Lab is to stay up to date on the current research in the fields of learning and learning disabilities and translate that research into practice, supporting leaders and faculty at each of our campuses. The WIL team provides our faculty and leaders with continuous professional learning opportunities, allowing them to remain on the cutting edge of the science behind learning and remediation so that they can more effectively work with our students.

Ongoing professional learning programs and resources include:
  • Winston 101 - for our new WPS staff
  • Teacher Excellence and Leadership Development - for our veteran instructors
  • Research to Practice - for all faculty and leaders
  • WIL Office Hour - where faculty can engage in collaborative conversations with WIL leaders
  • WIL Faculty Learning Library - a virtual hub of research and learning
These are a few examples of how the Innovation Lab supports the continuous learning of the WPS teaching community. Additionally, the Winston Innovation Lab works to develop in-house research initiatives to analyze and learn from Winston Prep student outcomes which are then shared with not only leaders and faculty but educators outside of the walls of WPS. The Winston Innovation Lab strives to influence the field of education with research and our own implementation models through national and international conference presentations, professional partnerships, and educational journal submissions. 

The ideas and innovations that emanate from this work that includes everyone’s input from teachers, staff, strategic partners, parents to students, comes alive and takes shape at every campus, every classroom and at every Focus Program space.
Look for us in your inbox throughout the year as we continue to share examples of how the Innovation Lab is infused throughout the WPS experience.


Scott Bezsylko
Executive Director
Elizabeth Mendelsohn
Director of Winston Innovation Lab
Chief Operating Officer
Winston Preparatory School is a leading school for students with learning disabilities, including dyslexia, executive functioning difficulties (ADHD), and non-verbal learning disorders (NVLD).

WPS does not discriminate against applicants and students on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. The Winston Preparatory School provides programs and services and equal opportunity in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, financial aid programs, employment, and the selection of its governing board without regard to gender, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, disability status, or any status recognized by federal, state and local civil rights and non-discrimination laws.